500 A5 invitations

Category: Printing

Quote Details

Full quote details are available only for premium businesses.
Published On: 21 Nov, 2019
Published By: E***
Email Address: ****@**********onalvm.com
Phone Number: **932 ***221
Location: *******ton
Street Address: *******ton **ath ***se, ******ter *ane


I'm currently looking for a quote for 500 A5 size invitations for a racing event which will go out to VVIPs very shortly: - High-quality A5 white card, embossed - Possibly gold edging - Single or double-sided (please quote for both) If you could possibly send me through an initial quote for this afternoon it would be a real help, as we have a meeting to discuss the invitations later today. Alongside the quote could you also indicate how long it would take to turn around the order once go-ahead is given. If you need any further information from me to create the invitation quote please do not hesitate to ask. We are also considering a separate information insert to go alongside the invitation to cover information on travel, location of the racecourse, key dates etc. Unsure of size and format yet. If you had any leaflet/flyer options with prices you could also send me this might help with presenting some options to the management team.

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