Ackland Webb

Accountant in Canterbury, Kent

Business Info

Ackland Webb

We have extensive experience in working with businesses and individuals, assisting with all aspects of accounting, tax compliance, book-keeping, VAT and payroll, as well as more specialist requirements such as audit, tax planning and business advice. Our primary focus is start ups and small to medium-sized owner managed businesses. We are also forensic accountants and expert witnesses. As business owners and advisers, we understand that owning and running a business is not always easy. Our aim is to provide solutions and support to enable our clients to concentrate on maintaining, developing and growing their businesses. We aim to provide advice in a friendly and accessible manner. Our principal, David Muggridge, is a Chartered Certified accountant. He formed Ackland Webb in 2011, having been a partner in a larger Kent-based firm for over 10 years and having lived in Canterbury for most of his adult life. David’s family has successfully owned and operated a trading company in the Canterbury area for over 40 years which, when combined with David’s professional experience, has given him a unique perspective on business ownership.

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Contact Details

Ackland Webb
Office: Canterbury
01227 811745
Address: University Road, Canterbury, CT2 7FG
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