Acupuncture Carterton

Alternative Medicine Practitioner in Carterton, Oxfordshire

Business Info

Acupuncture Carterton

After graduation, Sandy spent time working in a Sri Lankan clinic where acupuncture was often the primary source of healthcare. Her current patient list reflects the diversity of complaints she became used to treating whilst abroad. Sandy undertakes regular postgraduate training in areas such as pain management, gynaecology and fertility. Working with women at transitional times in their lives – menarche, motherhood and menopause – is a great privilege. Sandy believes that acupuncture can play a huge role in easing these transitions. She especially invites women undergoing the abrupt change brought about by surgical menopause to experience the benefits of regular acupuncture treatment. Sandy’s other area of special interest is in treating mental / emotional issues. She draws on her training in Vipassana meditation to help patients experiencing anxiety.

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Contact Details

Acupuncture Carterton
Office: Carterton
01865 773437
Address: Broadshires Way, Carterton, OX18 1JA
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