Aero Taxis (Southampton)

Taxi Company in Southampton, Hampshire

Business Info

Aero Taxis (Southampton)

Combined with this objective we have utilised the latest GPS/GRPS despatch technology, experienced drivers who care and well maintained vehicles. The result has proven successful. We have become popular throughout the city catering for the local residents and guests of Southampton. We hope to continue to provide and maintain the high level of service that has been appreciated by many of our customers. Every City/town is given a different colour to represent their Hackney carriages. The Hackney carriages of Southampton are all white in colour. Some may possess large stickers advertising, but are generally white. The Southampton Hackney carriages will also display a badge with license number on the windscreen which should be the same as on the rear red square license plate.

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Contact Details

Aero Taxis (Southampton)
Office: Southampton
023 8001 0203
Address: 16 Hartington Road, Southampton, SO14 0EY
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