Allum Book-Keeping Services

Accountant in Weymouth, Dorset

Business Info

Allum Book-Keeping Services

I am Geoffrey Allum MICB (Comp) PM.Dip, the owner of Allum Book-keeping Services. We are based in Weymouth Dorset as a Certified Bookkeeper practicing under licence from the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, the largest bookkeepers professional body in the world, in the unlike event that anything should go wrong we are fully covered with professional indemnity insurance, you can be assured that your business accounting is in safe hands. As certified bookkeepers and members of the Institue of Certified Book-Keepers, We undertake CPD (Continuing Professional Development). to ensure that we keep our qualifications up to date. We offer a free inital consultation allowing us to assess your requirements. This will include the range of services we offer that you wish us to undertake for you. From this consultation we will also be able to provide you the cost for our services.

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Contact Details

Allum Book-Keeping Services
Office: Weymouth
01305 701234
Address: 33 Kestrel View, Weymouth, DT3 5QY
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