Amega Fleur - Floral Design

Florist in West Mersea, Essex

Business Info

Amega Fleur - Floral Design

Whatever your vision might be, floral designs that are wild and loud — shouting at the top of their voices through to quiet and soothing to create a sense of calm I work closely with you to translate your ideas and wishes into beautiful arrangements that say everything you want, and so much more. I source the very best materials, fresh or faux flowers — drawing upon my network of suppliers, including Dutch and British growers, so you can be certain of the highest standards, outstanding results and my total attention to detail. I work on only one event per day, so that I can dedicate myself to you. Working across locations in Essex and Suffolk, I will meet with you in the comfort of your own home, at my Studio or at your chosen venue.

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Contact Details

Amega Fleur - Floral Design
Office: West Mersea
07791 788252
Address: West Mersea, Colchester, West Mersea,
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