ASY Entertainments

Entertainment Agency in Salford, Greater Manchester

Business Info

ASY Entertainments

ASY Entertainments simply will not be beaten on price by any DJ/Entertainer of the same High quality. We can supply entertainment for any budget, and we will not just match any other Like for Like quote, but we'll beat it by 10%. (terms & conditions apply - please ask us for details) You bet - ASY Entertainments have a pool of 5 DJ's/Entertainers so that in the unlikely event that your DJ/Entertainer is unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances, then no need to get the CD player out - we'll simply send you another, high class DJ/Entertainer. The same applies to our equipment - if anything malfunctions during the night, we have back up systems available, so we'll replace it for a working one. Absolutely - We work closely with our customers to plan every detail of their night. Not only the playlist, but also volume levels, lighting etc you even get your own Unique Username and Password to log in to your on-line party planner which leads to a Tailor-made function for you and your family & friends to enjoy. We realise that it's YOUR party, not ours.

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Contact Details

ASY Entertainments
Office: Salford
07872 074137
Address: Eccles, Salford, M30 7DT
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