Automatic Man

Car Repair Company in Ealing, West London

Business Info

Automatic Man

Orders for automatic gearbox repairs and servicing from the American Navy, our own Government Supply Office, many local main dealers and respected independent car garages in London are testament to our commitment to our customers and our profession. As a family business we have always worked with the belief that the quality of the finished product is paramount to us and our customers. To that end, systems of cleanliness, thoroughness, check and counter check are built into the reconditioning of each and every hand built automatic gearbox unit. We are responsible to you and we want you to rest assured of our very best performance, consistently. Peter Bosson worked since leaving school on a variety of makes of car and trained in most areas of the motor trade, later specializing in automatic gearboxes.

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Contact Details

Automatic Man
Office: Ealing
020 8740 1020
Address: 64 Davis Road, Ealing, W3 7SG
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