Becky Blake Graphic

Graphic Designer in Portland, Dorset

Business Info

Becky Blake Graphic

Whether a new company brand, logo, corporate brochure, illustration, or business card this creative service will ensure that you feel happy and confident when presenting your new design. I am a graphic designer and illustrator, offering a varied range of multimedia skills. Qualified with a Diploma in Fine Art and a Fnd Degree in Graphic Design with Multimedia from Plymouth University, I can offer a range of services to match your project objectives. Working with large or small businesses my ethos remains the same. I believe in providing a first class design service at a realistic price. I pride myself in providing a dedicated service that tailors my clients needs, and I always work to my highest standard regardless of the budget size.

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Contact Details

Becky Blake Graphic
Office: Portland
01305 457030
Address: 82 Grosvenor Road, Portland, DT5 2BH
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