Bouquet Florists

Florist in Sheffield, South Yorkshire

Business Info

Bouquet Florists

We are members of eFlorist, a flower relay service, which means we can send flowers nationally and internationally. We run regular leisure flower arranging classes and workshops in the shop on a Wednesday evening. We also provide beautiful flowers for weddings and special tributes for funerals. Our new space has allowed us to add a cafe too, so you can enjoy a Roastology coffee and homemade cake, while being surrounded by beautiful plants and flowers. I am Sarah Whitaker, owner of Bouquet Florist in Heeley, Sheffield. We specialise in delivering bouquets, arrangements and gifts for every occasion, to all areas of Sheffield and some of the surrounding areas. We are also members of eFlorist a flower relay service, and can send flowers nationally and internationally. We are situated in a unit in Heeley, near the centre of Sheffield. I run regular leisure flower arranging classes and workshops. We also provide beautiful flowers for weddings and special tributes for funerals.

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Contact Details

Bouquet Florists
Office: Sheffield
0114 258 9700
Address: 20 Prospect Road, Sheffield, S2 3EN
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