
Locksmith in Haslemere, Surrey

Business Info


95% of cars from the mid 90’s and on require a new key to be programed diagnostically to start the vehicle. The automotive industry also brought out a remote key fob. Professionally known as LAZY locking and unlocking. A remote key fob is an electrical unit built on to a key that enables you to push a button which will unlock or lock a vehicle from a certain distance and sends a frequency. Most late vehicles will be supplied with these as standard from the factory. These also need programming. Most vehicles when brought new would have come with its own unique security details i.e. a key number and security code, the key number enables an Auto Locksmith or dealership to cut a blank key to a direct code with relevant key cutting software. The security code enables Auto Locksmiths and dealerships to be able to program the key transponder diagnostically to the vehicle.

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Contact Details

Office: Haslemere
07711 333557
Address: 51 Sunvale Avenue, Haslemere, GU27 1PZ
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