Computer Rehab

Computer Repair Company in Stevenage, Hertfordshire

Business Info

Computer Rehab

Computer Rehab is a family run business and has been based in Stevenage for the past 9 years providing expert support for the home computer user. We have a customer base of over 500. Some we see occasionally other call regularly for help and support. Ken and Julie have over 35 years of experience in the computer industry including education, corporate IT and home support. We run the business from home, this enables us to keep costs down and therefore keep our prices down. As well as business partners Julie and I are husband and wife. We have five children all who use computers, phones, games consoles, etc and therefore know exactly what it is like keeping them safe, secure and happy when online. If you have a problem with your computer equipment or just want to know something but do not know who to ask then give us a call. We talk in plain English with as little tech talk as possible.

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Contact Details

Computer Rehab
Office: Stevenage
01438 742332
Address: 440 Broadwater Crescent, Stevenage, SG2 8HD
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