
Alternative Medicine Practitioner in Colchester, Essex

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We have experience in working with a wide range of ailments covering so many aspects of health and well-being (and also personal development). For more information please click on our services menu bar above. Homeopathy gently and naturally stimulates the immune system to heal itself. It can be used for many conditions and is safe for pregnant mothers and their tiny babies through all walks of life to our wiser years. Biofeedback is a wonderful treatment that digitally scans your energy field for imbalances. From this we can establish what energetic imbalances and intolerances are going on for you, and create a unique treatment plan that incorporates diet, nutrition, supplementation and homeopathic style remedies as needed. Supplements are tested against your energy field and only if they match to you are they prescribed (so it saves money long term by only taking exactly what your body needs). Vitali-Chi is a deep healing and relaxing treatment that uses a copper bio circuit to help de-stress and release tension from the body. It also helps release negative cellular memories and helps you to formulate new positive patterns in your life. These sessions are one to one and can be combined with Reiki, or other treatments that I offer. I also teach the Vitali-Chi Wellbeing Practitioner Course. If you are interested in bringing this excellent therapy into your clinic, please do get in touch.

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Contact Details

Office: Colchester
01206 735780
Address: Colchester, Colchester,
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