Dervensure Insurance Brokers Ltd

Motorcycle Dealer in Spalding, Lincolnshire

Business Info

Dervensure Insurance Brokers Ltd

Before the days of the internet the only way of finding businesses was in the phone directory and the Yellow Pages. Because Venni began with a V, Derek knew the business would be listed near the bottom of the page but wanted it to be listed near the top. He therefore created the name "Dervensure" by combining the first three letters of his first name and surname and adding 'sure' for insurance. This enabled Dervensure to be listed near the top of the page. Dervensure continued to grow over the years and in 1986, Derek invited Nick Ingram to join him in the business as a partner. Nick had previously worked for insurance company's, Eagle Star and later Provincial as an inspector calling on brokers all over many parts of the country to develop their accounts and relationships, of which one was Dervensure. Andrew Willows joined Dervensure as a trainee insurance clerk in June 1992 having just left school. After 4 years and having gained his Certificate in Insurance (Cert CII) qualification Andrew was invited by Derek to join him and Nick as a partner. Upon Derek's retirement in 1998, Nick and Andrew became equal partners until Nick retired from the business at the beginning of 2018. Andrew now continues to run the business to this day as sole director. During 2012, Dervensure became members of Westinsure, part of the larger group "Compass Broker Services", a national alliance of independent insurance brokers to enhance the products already on offer, giving us a wider spectrum to find the best possible deals for our clients.

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Contact Details

Dervensure Insurance Brokers Ltd
Office: Spalding
01406 423340
Address: 44 High Street, Holbeach, Spalding, PE12 7ED
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