graham yates osteopath

Osteopath in Walmer, Kent

Business Info

graham yates osteopath

Graham treats all musculoskeletal pain conditions and is a specialist in treating chronic pain including chronic back pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), headaches and fibromyalgia. He has carried out extensive studies in order to have an integrated Mind & Body” approach to pain management. He also treats stress, anxiety and insomnia as these are known blocks to healing pain. Graham coaches clients to help make the changes that are required to gain their maximum quality of life. ​ As well as a usual osteopathic approach to pain management Graham has also developed a 9 week Integrative Pain Management programme for those seeking a more in depth analysis of their pain and a individualised programme based on treating all the underlying reasons why someone is experiencing persistent pain.

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Contact Details

graham yates osteopath
Office: Walmer
01304 379954
Address: 27 Archery Square, Walmer, CT14 7JA
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