Jacqueline Docherty Massage

Massage Therapist in Renfrew, Renfrewshire

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Jacqueline Docherty Massage

The physiological benefits of alternating hot and cold to the body have long been scientifically and medically proven. This "vascular gymnastics" of the circulatory system assists the body in self-healing. LaStone® Therapy administers this principle with unerring elegance; producing sedative and re-energizing responses to the body. This form of bodywork involves the use of heated and cooled stones; Geothermal therapy, applied to the body in various ways to bring about relief to stiff and sore muscles; resulting in alleviation of chronic and acute problems that many of us deal with on a daily basis. Mary D. Nelson is the founder of La Stone Therapy and is a pioneer in research and development of Geo-Thermo-Therapy, a technique that utilises the application of hot and cold stone to the body. Mary has been researching and developing LaStone Therapy since August 1993. Mary incorporated the techniques that she was exploring regarding balance through the energy systems of the body, and today we now refer to this combination as LaStone Therapy - a contemporary approach to alternating temperatures on the body through the application of stones in massage modalities.

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Contact Details

Jacqueline Docherty Massage
Office: Renfrew
07746 986851
Address: 18 Highgrove Road, Renfrew, PA4 8PY
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