Liz The Chiropractor

Chiropractor in Gloucester, Gloucestershire

Business Info

Liz The Chiropractor

On average, most people unwind through at least one injury in about 6 weeks, some unwind through several injuries in that time. The more you move the more you will unwind so we recommend you walk at least 20 minutes a day minimum, if you can. We usually recommend a 6 week course of unlimited treatment for adults (less for children). You pay a flat fee and we treat you twice a week or more if you need it. This treatment works, little and often to keep the unwinding process going. If you are just after pain relief then the 6 week course will work great for you. You will be happy with your results. If you are after more structural correction and want to make a bigger difference to your posture and your overall health and well being, then we may recommend longer than 6 weeks depending on what you want to achieve. The choice is always yours. When you wish to stop, you simply stop. You are welcome to return whenever you like for one-off sessions or a course. It’s entirely up to you.

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Contact Details

Liz The Chiropractor
Office: Gloucester
01452 898014
Address: North Wing, Agriculture House., Greville Rd, Gloucester, GL2 9PS
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