Mike Bayon Garden Design

Gardening Company in Richmond upon Thames, South West London

Business Info

Mike Bayon Garden Design

His love of gardening and kindness to all he met has been his great legacy to Mike Bayon Garden Design which continues to make gardens in memory of him. Andy joined Mike Bayon Garden Design full time in February 1983, became a partner in 1985 and, in 1991, took over the business in partnership with Roger Lang. After studying English and Art History at UEA and Goldsmiths, London, Andy was footling around with no real idea of what I wanted to do” when an old school friend called: He told me about how he was working as a landscaper for this eccentric guy Mike Bayon and there was a vacancy — you had to work really hard, but it was great fun.” After taking a degree in Philosophy and Politics at UEA, Roger gave in to wanderlust and saddled up his bike for a cycle ride — to Athens! Returning eventually to the UK, he got in touch with his fellow ex-UEA student Andy Gardiner, who was working for Mike Bayon and absolutely loving it”. Roger promptly put his future travel plans on hold to join Andy and experience the unique Mike Bayon gardening apprenticeship. I was taken on to do the maintenance gardening. It was a real, hands-on learning experience and I picked it up fast in the best way: making elementary mistakes and learning from them.”

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Contact Details

Mike Bayon Garden Design
Office: Richmond upon Thames
020 8748 8849
Address: 66 Church Rd, Richmond upon Thames, SW13 0DQ
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