OBC The Accountants

Accountant in Eastbourne, East Sussex

Business Info

OBC The Accountants

OBC are a team of reliable, approachable, and caring accountants who will do more than just respond to your needs; OBC will work alongside you to help you succeed. OBC clients are actively encouraged to explore ways of generating more profit and, if possible, paying less tax. OBC are Profit Improvement specialists, and you must ask about our brilliantly effective 'One Page Plan' for increased profits. OBC are not tax 'experts' as such, but can introduce you to highly experienced tax specialists who are experts, and they will listen to our client's circumstances and will try to help them plan their affairs in the most tax efficient manner. Sometimes, if asked to find "more bespoke" ways to reduce our clients tax payments, the tax specialists to whom clients can be introduced, will discuss what planning might be possible and appropriate.

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Contact Details

OBC The Accountants
Office: Eastbourne
01323 720555
Address: 2 Upperton Gardens, Eastbourne, BN21 2AH
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