Osteopathy Letchworth

Massage Therapist in Letchworth, Hertfordshire

Business Info

Osteopathy Letchworth

We also have a strong focus on injury and sports injury prevention and treatment. We have experience in biomechanics and can assess walking and running gait and can prescribe Pegasus custom made orthotics to help muscular and joint pains in the legs and back. We aim to assess each patient with a view to providing the most appropriate therapy for that individual. Is a gentle, safe and non-invasive hands on system of healthcare that has been practised for over a century. Osteopathy recognises that the body has its own self-regulating, self-healing mechanism that is constantly acting to maintain our bodies’ health and wellness. Our body’s are always compensating for our anomalies, lifestyles, and ways of living in the world, and sometimes things breakdown and we experience pain. At Osteopathy Letchworth, our osteopaths will assess your individual situation, and act to help your body return to self-healing by identifying and removing the obstacles to health. Osteopaths are healthcare professionals that are trained to use their hands considerately, and with care, to treat a patients’ symptoms. Osteopaths recognise that each individual, their particular lifestyle and that their presenting condition is unique. They keep this in mind when assessing, treating, and providing postural, work, home and exercise advice. There are many types of osteopathic techniques that are taught during training and the osteopath may use one or two, or a combination of them in order to help a person’s condition. All are non-invasive and designed to improve the function of our body and help restore health and wellness.

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Contact Details

Osteopathy Letchworth
Office: Letchworth
01462 674438
Address: 185 Nevells Road, Letchworth, SG6 4TS
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