Pat O'Kane Cars

Car Dealer in Londonderry, North Yorkshire

Business Info

Pat O'Kane Cars

We pride ourselves on being a Family Run Business that believes in the Old Fashioned Values of: High Levels of Customer Service, Vehicles Prepared to the Highest Possible Level and listening to our Customers needs to help to ensure that the customer is treated as an individual and not simply a number. Which unfortunately these days with the advent of the supermarket style of selling, is becoming harder to find. We don't promise to be the cheapest used car dealer in Northern Ireland, because in our experience being cheap and offering Good Value for money are two very different things. We are not prepared to sacrifice our standards or the level to which we prepare our used cars because after all every car that we sell has our name on it and we are only as good as the last car we have sold. We don't promise to give you a minimum part exchange, 0% Finance or discount if you use finance that we arrange, because in our experience, these are only things that are used to disguise the true cost of a car and the customer normally ends up paying more for their car. We do promise however no gimmicks and to offer you a fair price for your part exchange, to give you a competitive quote if you require finance and to offer you the same deals whether you are using your own funds or finance arranged by us.

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Contact Details

Pat O'Kane Cars
Office: Londonderry
028 7186 1999
Address: 75a Clooney Road, Londonderry, BT47 3PA
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