Pearl Chartered Accountants

Accountant in Staines, Surrey

Business Info

Pearl Chartered Accountants

We have offices around different parts of London, such as Canary Wharf and Kingston, although we can nonetheless help clients from all across the UK. We can offer to meet you in person for a face-to-face consultation, or we can contact you in other ways, such as via a phone call or Skype session. We aren’t simply “online accountants” or “virtual accountants” – we can meet you in person too if you prefer We provide our services in a number of languages, as well as English. We have accountancy professionals who speak languages such as Urdu, Arabic, Polish, Hindi, Punjabi and more, allowing our foreign-born clients to converse with their accountants in their native language. Our multi-lingual accountants ensure that every client gets fair and equal treatment, no matter what their mother tongue may be! We provide business growth services, acting as business advisory accountants who can help to organically scale your business and drive future growth. We use cutting-edge cloud accounting software which allows us to conduct all your bookkeeping online, enabling you to save time as you need not provide us with paper-based receipts and invoices, among other documentation. The software we use for your bookkeeping is included in our packages as standard.

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Contact Details

Pearl Chartered Accountants
Office: Staines
020 8577 4077
Address: The Causeway, Staines, TW18 3BA
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