Proactive Services

Computer Repair Company in Liss, Hampshire

Business Info

Proactive Services

With a change of employment I moved to a purely computer support role for three years where I was responsible for a nationwide customer base of around 100, providing assistance with the software we produced and general computer issues. I also gained a lot of valuable hands-on experience with equipment itself such as building computers and hardware troubleshooting. My day-to-day work would involve a polite, friendly and patient telephone manner and the ability to juggle my own timetable and work under constant pressure. I was primarily responsible for dealing with most of the technical support problems, which ranged from word processing help to solving major network or server problems and similar critical issues. Along the way through work and play with computers I was picking up an invaluable "toolkit" of useful programs and methods, fixes for common problems and better still - ways to stop them from step one. I was realising how many areas could be initially set-up to prevent many problems or alert the relevant people if they did.

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Contact Details

Proactive Services
Office: Liss
07780 820660
Address: Liss, Liss,
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