Teignmouth Osteopathic Practice

Osteopath in Teignmouth, Devon

Business Info

Teignmouth Osteopathic Practice

Treatment may involve relaxing massage techniques to reduce tension in the muscles, gentle joint articulation to encourage mobility and joint manipulation if a particular joint is not moving well. Cranial osteopathy is also available and another very gentle way of treating the body (see below). We will discuss with you the best approach and you may also be given exercises, postural and lifestyle advice. We frequently work alongside other health professionals both orthodox and complementary to achieve the best results for your health issues. CRANIAL OSTEOPATHY is a treatment involving very gentle but specific touch around the head and down the whole spine and body which is safe and non-manipulative. It promotes relaxation encouraging the release of tension throughout the body and is suitable for all ages.

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Contact Details

Teignmouth Osteopathic Practice
Office: Teignmouth
01626 779102
Address: 22 Churchill Drive, Teignmouth, TQ14 8QD
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