The Enchanted Florist

Florist in Leek, Staffordshire

Business Info

The Enchanted Florist

We always have a large selection of fresh flowers to make a bouquet in store or we can deliver for free within a ten mile radius, covering Stoke-on-Trent, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Leek and the surrounding areas. Whilst studying an NVQ in floristry at Reaseheath College, I began an apprenticeship at one of North Staffordshire's premier florists. During my time here I was proud to be awarded the prestigious Apprentice of the Year award. Upon completion of the course I was appointed as a full-time florist at another leading store. Several years of service, gaining an NVQ2 in customer service along the way, provided me with the best possible education in the art of floristry. With this experience I felt ready to share my skills and love of flowers - and so The Enchanted Florist was born. After starting in humble beginnings at an indoor market in Leek, we quickly outgrew our limited floor space. So when the opportunity arose to open a shop in my home village of Milton, I couldn't open the doors quick enough! The Enchanted Florist has continued to grow from strength to strength and thanks to our purpose fitted shop we are able to offer a large range of products.

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Contact Details

The Enchanted Florist
Office: Leek
07725 090294
Address: Market Place, Leek, ST13 5HH
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