Vision Martial Arts

Martial Arts Club in Lewes, East Sussex

Business Info

Vision Martial Arts

Xpanantukan is a self protection combat method, we offer Adult, Junior and Ladies only classes training martial arts and self protection in a friendly and ego free environment, although Xpanantukan as a self defence method is very functional to enhance the method and make it more complete and honest as a self protection system within the training structure of Xpanantucan we integrated the mind set and training principles of our age related combative self protection programs. XPI Martial arts primary focus is to equip all students with the essential age-related awareness and self protection skills that they could realistically face within today’s society while still keeping to some of the true values held within the martial arts our training curriculum is flexible to the individual students ability promoting creativity and fluid off motion it can also be a fantastic work out and its FUN. Suitable for both male and female students regardless of experience or starting fitness level.

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Contact Details

Vision Martial Arts
Office: Lewes
07753 174081
Address: St Johns Church Hall, Talbot Terrace, Lewes, BN7 2DS
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