Williams Hazel

Osteopath in Stansted, Kent

Business Info

Williams Hazel

The treatment I offer can help with a variety of health problems including: back pain, neck and shoulder pain, joint and muscle pain, stressed ligaments and tendons, sciatic nerve pain, rheumatoid arthritis, sinusitis, trapped nerves, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, minor sports injuries, pregnancy aches and pains plus a number of other common complaints. Sometimes the clinic is extremely busy, so if your call is not answered immediately please leave a message and I’ll return your call as soon as I’m available. The Osteopath is located in the village of Stansted Mountfitchet about 2 miles from Bishops Stortford. It’s easily accesible on the main road and has ample off-road parking facilities providing easy access for the disabled.

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Contact Details

Williams Hazel
Office: Stansted
01279 813371
Address: 61 Blythwood Gardens, Stansted, CM24 8HH
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