Boot sector virus removal and corruption of essential files

Category: Computer Repair

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Published On: 10 Jan, 2020
Published By: W****** S*****
Email Address: *********@******
Phone Number: **526 ***695
Location: *****all *pa
Street Address: *8 ******rry **ive


My computer is suffering from viruses that are preventing any attempt I have made to fix it & try to boot into the operating system. The infestation has propagated to other external devices; some of the keys on my keyboard no longer work I suspect the virus has disabled them. Also, I have received messages on my monitor to confirm that boot ini & Ntoskernal files are either corrupted or missing. Could you please quote to replace essential boot files and to remove all traces of the virus, confirming 100% that they have been cleared and that the system is clean to allow it to boot. I can then format the hard drives myself and reinstall a clean copy of the windows operating system. Regards, William

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