A C B Office Services

Accountant in Torquay, Devon

Business Info

A C B Office Services

ACB’s role is one of support to supply the expertise that the smaller company does not have, for example: a payroll department, accounts department, secretary or typist. Add to this the office equipment that only the larger companies can afford, i.e. photocopiers (black and white or colour), computers, word processors, printers, fax machines, wire binders and laminators. It does not matter what size business you are, wages costs usually form a large percentage of the running costs. As you grow, not only do you have to employ someone to carry out the various admin jobs, you also have the headache of who does the job when they go on holiday or what happens if they are sick? Most firms cannot afford to have a ‘backup’. This is where we come in, our departments do not shut down because of holidays, sickness or maternity leave. Because we have more than one member of staff doing the same function the payrolls always get done on time, the VAT returns are rendered by the deadlines and we will always find time to do that letter that needs typing urgently. By using our services you can put your efforts into producing profits rather than worrying about how you are going to keep pace with the paperwork and government legislation changes.

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Contact Details

A C B Office Services
Office: Torquay
01803 328332
Address: 137 Saint Marychurch Road, Torquay, TQ1 3HW
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