Allsorts Consulting

Business Consultant in Southampton, Hampshire

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Allsorts Consulting

Every day of your life you talk to people in your businesses. You talk to your prospects, existing customers, employees, partners, suppliers, competitors and other business owners. When you’ve a bad conversation you are less likely to get the outcome that you want. In a sales situation, it is as simple as missing out on a piece of new business. With an employee, the negative impact can be harder to notice but can be just as disastrous. With a customer, it might be the start of a bad reputation. The wonderful thing is that the opposite is also true, when you have a great conversation it can improve every aspect of your business. Your sales; your customer feedback; your employee’s productivity; your supplier’s performance; even the opportunities that you get. By focussing on your conversations you can have a significant impact on your business and your success. So if you’re not getting the success that you want in your business then think back to the conversations that you’ve been having. Have they felt like great conversations, have you felt like both you and the other person have left feeling more positive than before? If not, then you might need to make some changes. Changes to the assumptions that you’ve made; changes to the language that you use; changes to the way you approach your conversations and finally you might have to change who you are talking to.

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Allsorts Consulting
Office: Southampton
023 8115 0616
Address: Southampton, Southampton,
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