Clark Brownscombe

Accountant in Hove, East Sussex

Business Info

Clark Brownscombe

Robert Scrivins qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1987 and joined Clark Brownscombe in 1991 having spent three years with Grant Thornton in Worthing and having trained with a firm in Hove. Robert became a director in 1993. Robert is responsible for the affairs of a wide range of businesses including landed estates, charities and commercial businesses. Robert is also a Chartered Tax Advisor, and a Trust and Estate Practitioner and has obtained his Diploma in Charity Accounting. Vicky Anderson qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1992 having trained with Clark Brownscombe and became a director in January 2008. Vicky has also obtained her Diploma in Charity Accounting. Vicky is reponsible for advising a diverse client base including musicians and foreign entertainers as well as preparing and auditing the financial statements for the company's largest clients and charities.

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Contact Details

Clark Brownscombe
Office: Hove
01273 739277
Address: 8 The Drive, Hove, BN3 3JT
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