Taxi Companies
in Ventnor

Looking for a taxi company in Ventnor? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended taxi companies with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Taxi Companies

Akar Taxis 01983 401233
Isle of Wight, Sandown, PO36 9DW

distance: (6.8 miles)
Akar Taxis is a family run Taxi & Minibus business based in the sunny resorts of Sandown & Shanklin on the Isle of Wight. We pride ourselves on being punctual, reliable and friendly.
ASAP Taxis 01983 244444
Isle of Wight, Newport, PO30 2BB

distance: (13 miles)
ASAP taxis is a small independent taxi and private hire service operating in both East Cowes (PO32) and Cowes (PO31) Isle of Wight and supplying taxis to all of the surrounding nearby areas of Whippingham, Northwood and Gurnard.

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