Air Conditioning Companies
in Sale

Looking for an air conditioning company in Sale? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended air conditioning companies with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Air Conditioning Companies

Ensol Ltd 01204 660064
Greater Manchester, Bolton, BL3 3RP

distance: (19.1 miles)
Designed to raise industry standards, Mitsubishi Electric’s Partner Programme assures end users of a consistently high level of installation and after sales service. All partners are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they continue to meet the required standards that makes them eligible to be part of the Mitsubishi Electric Partner Programme.
LAC Installations 0845 838 5225
Greater Manchester, Oldham, OL1 3JY

distance: (19.9 miles)
Formed in 2005 to fill a gap in the market to supply cost effective high quality servicing and maintenance of air conditioning equipment, with over 60 years combined experience in the service and maintenance industry at that time on a variety of equipment manufacturers with our specialist knowledge being Chillers in the process cooling industry.

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