Air Conditioning Companies
in Whitworth

Looking for an air conditioning company in Whitworth? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended air conditioning companies with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Air Conditioning Companies

Arctic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 01204 524655
Greater Manchester, Bolton, BL1 2DJ

distance: (18 miles)
Cool in summer? Warm in winter? Air conditioning is a year long experience. Instant heat at the touch of a button, or refreshing cool air waves in the heat of summer. Arctic Refrigeration's team of experienced engineers will fit air conditioning in your building today without any disruption to your everyday life.
Cool Tech 01204 778112
Greater Manchester, Bolton, BL1 6HE

distance: (18.8 miles)
We specialise in the supply of air conditioning systems and units as well as air conditioning maintenance and installation for domestic and commercial use. Based near Manchester, our reputation in the air conditioning industry is second to none and has been built up over time through referrals and repeat business.
Celsius Air Conditioning 01706 367500
Greater Manchester, Manchester,

distance: (19.2 miles)
Celsius Air Conditioning Ltd are an air conditioning installation and maintenance contractor operating both in the north west of England and nationwide. With over 20 years, both managerial and hands on experience, this ensures that we complete projects on time, within budget and to the highest standards.

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