Air Conditioning Companies
in Sandhurst

Looking for an air conditioning company in Sandhurst? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended air conditioning companies with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Air Conditioning Companies

SAV Systems 01483 771910
Surrey, Woking, GU21 5BX

distance: (17.5 miles)
We are trusted providers of heating and ventilation solutions. From the very beginning, we have been constantly pushing the industry and collaborate with the best partners, creating even better systems and smarter solutions, and raising the standards towards a brighter and more sustainable future.
Acclimatise Air Conditioning 01483 570120
Surrey, Guildford,

distance: (18.2 miles)
Providing Air Conditioning Design, Installation, Repair and Maintenance Services to Surrey, Hampshire, Guildford, London and the South East. Acclimatise Airconditioning is a family run business, established over 25 years ago, offering a complete design, installation, service, repair and maintenance package to the commercial, industrial and domestic markets.
Semco Building Services Ltd 01256 763750
Hampshire, Basingstoke, RG24 8AG

distance: (18.9 miles)
SEMCO delivers integrated air conditioning and mechanical services for commercial, industrial and public sector buildings across the United Kingdom. Our company's reputation has been built on a broad range of products, customer service and a competitive pricing structure. We try to provide everything that is needed by the client or contractor to offer a complete customer service programme.
BH Consultancy Services +44 1183347906
Berkshire, Wokingham, RG41 3AL

distance: (9.6 miles)
Ventilation System Audit, Repair, Inspection & Design Surrey.

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