Air Conditioning Companies
in Chesham

Looking for an air conditioning company in Chesham? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended air conditioning companies with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Air Conditioning Companies

ASM Air Conditioning 07833 444309
West London, Hillingdon, UB8

distance: (19.8 miles)
ASM Air Conditioning Services supply and install a wide range of domestic and commercial cooling and heating solutions including ceiling, wall mounted and concealed cassettes plus free standing units. Whatever your air conditioning requirements ASM have the solution.
Degrees Of Comfort 01628 780803
Berkshire, Maidenhead, SL6 8HZ

distance: (20 miles)
Degrees of Comfort provides the highest quality installation of air conditioning in Slough, Maidenhead, Windsor, and Marlow areas. We supply stylish domestic systems that provide cooling in the summer and highly efficient heating in the winter through the use of modern heat pumps. We also carry out commercial air conditioning installations throughout the region to an exceptional standard, which has been highly praised by every company.
Cooltech Environmental Engineering 01628 547070
Berkshire, Slough, SL1 6DQ

distance: (20 miles)
Since 1992 Cooltech has built an enviable reputation for design expertise in the installation of mechanical and electrical services, specialising in clinical air conditioning and ventiliation systems. The company expanded and then formed a separate service and maintenance division to offer ongoing support services. Cooltech has continued to expand and is now recognised as a facilities services engineering provider.

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