Air Conditioning Companies
in Guildford

Looking for an air conditioning company in Guildford? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended air conditioning companies with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Air Conditioning Companies

Surrey Energy Ratings Ltd 0800 955 0998
Surrey, Leatherhead, KT22 8SB

distance: (19.3 miles)
We provide Air Conditioning Energy Inspections in line with the methodology set out in CIBSE TM44:2012 direct to businesses, landlords, building owners and tenants. A building requires an air conditioning inspection if it has 12kW or more of cooling installed. So if your property has three split systems of 3.5kW and one of 2.5kW, the total cooling is 13.0kW then this building would require an air condtioning inspection to be conducted every five years. A cooling system only needs to be inspected if it is over five years old.
G T Refrigeration 01932 564635
Surrey, Chertsey, KT16 8HP

distance: (19.5 miles)
G T Refrigeration installs most leading manufacturers of air conditioning equipment ranging from single units through to multiple variable refrigerant flow (VRF systems) at competitive prices. The company also specialise and deal with many aspects of mechanical and electrical building services.

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