Air Conditioning Companies
in Long Eaton

Looking for an air conditioning company in Long Eaton? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended air conditioning companies with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Air Conditioning Companies

Air Modification 07843 692603
Nottinghamshire, Nottingham, NG5 5UG

distance: (12.4 miles)
We are a well established and highly reputable company specialising in the supply, installation, service and repair of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Units. All our services are available to domestic, commercial and industrial sectors. We ensure our new and existing customers receive an honest, reliable and efficient service at all times.
Aura Air Conditioning 01332 344224
Derbyshire, Derby, DE24 8WY

distance: (12.8 miles)
Aura is a design led and cost conscious company, specialising in the supply and installation of air conditioning systems nationwide. We work hard at delivering an unmatched and personal service aiming to build a successful working relationship with all our clients.
Richer Air Air Conditioning Nottingham 07843 566133
Nottinghamshire, Nottingham, NG6 8UD

distance: (13.4 miles)
Looking for air conditioning in Nottingham? Richer Air specialise in the provision of high-end domestic and commercial air conditioning services throughout Nottingham, the surrounding areas of the East Midlands and the rest of the UK. With a wealth of knowledge in commercial air conditioning, we provide a comprehensive range of services including air conditioning design and installation, maintenance, repairs and energy assessments amongst many others.
Nottingham Air Conditioning 0115 727 0507
Nottinghamshire, Nottingham, NG12 2NN

distance: (18.3 miles)
The slide show photographs are a range of completed air conditioning system repairs, servicing contracts and new systems supplied and installed by Nottingham Air Conditioning and illustrate the wide range of customers we work for and types of buildings we work in.

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