Landscaping Companies
in Potters Bar

Looking for a landscaping company in Potters Bar? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended landscaping companies with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Landscaping Companies

T M Garden Design 07974 672542
Hertfordshire, Watford, WD25 9PZ

distance: (15.2 miles)
Create a garden you can be proud of. Create a space that relaxes, inspires and warms you! Your garden is a unique space. It can be an oasis from the rest of the world, a place to work, a playground for the kids, or just somewhere to enjoy the sunshine and the sound of the birds.
new form landscapes 01582 621261
Hertfordshire, Harpenden, AL5 1DJ

distance: (18.4 miles)
New Form Landscapes was established by two brothers, Simon and Ben Hawkins, bringing together a passion for cutting-edge design and a wide knowledge of construction. With a combined 30 years in the industry you can have the confidence that your project, whatever its size, will be designed and delivered with the highest level of care and attention and we will always strive to make your garden a truly special place.

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