Security Companies
in Drakes Cross

Looking for a security company in Drakes Cross? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended security companies with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Security Companies

V C T Security 01384 75788
West Midlands, Brierley Hill, DY5 3QQ

distance: (19.7 miles)
VCT Security Systems Limited has been providing security systems for the Commercial, Industrial, Retail and Home markets for nearly 20 years. We offer a full design, installation and maintenance service for all types of Security Systems
Contract Fire Security 0121 250 2141
West Midlands, Sutton Coldfield, B75 7FS

distance: (19.9 miles)
CFS is a leading independent provider of life safety systems. Our mission is to deliver flexible, adaptable services developed with future technologies in mind and to establish genuine partnerships with our people, customers and suppliers. We foster a culture of excellence in our business through training, open communications and environmental best practice and guarantee only the highest standards in service delivery for our customers, giving them the freedom to focus on their core operations.
Security Care Limited 0808 189 0923
Worcestershire, Bromsgrove, B60 4GA

distance: (14 miles)
Security Care Ltd is a well-established West Midlands based Security Company that has been trading since 1995. We specialise in the installation of physical security equipment to protect all types of properties including homes from burglary and vandalism.