Florists in

Looking for a florist in Cranleigh? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended florists with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Florists

Flowers By Rosemary 01483 565748
Surrey, Guildford, GU1 3JT

distance: (12.9 miles)
Flowers by Rosemary have been arranging and delivering flowers to customers in and around Guildford for over 20 years in Surrey. Rosemary's are an independent flower shop which can be found at 17 Epsom Street, Guildford 30 yards into Epsom road from the top of the High Street. Send flowers to Guildford and to locations throughout Guildford.
Hot Pink Peony 01903 741358
West Sussex, Billingshurst, RH14 9PQ

distance: (13.3 miles)
Hot Pink Peony, your local designer florist for hand tied bouquets and wedding flowers. Beautiful, individual, innovative, unique and unusual flower designs - specialising in hand tied bouquets, wedding and corporate function flowers.
Blossom 01403 249908
West Sussex, Horsham, RH12 1EE

distance: (13.5 miles)
Blossom is a lovely florist shop based in the pretty market town of Horsham, West Sussex (For a peek at our shop there's a picture on our contact page). We've been doing the flowery thing here for 10 years making all our bouquets and arrangements on site in the shop.
Floral Accents 0845 387 0194
Surrey, Reigate,

distance: (13.9 miles)
Shhhhhh - don’t tell everyone, but Floral Accents is moving in a new direction to better meet the needs of wedding couples. We are busy working behind the scenes - there is a lot to organise and revamp! - so watch this space.
The Flower Shop Pulborough 01798 875488
West Sussex, Pulborough, RH20 2BW

distance: (19.6 miles)
We are a friendly village flower shop, with access to the very best flowers and a team of talented florists with a fresh and natural, country style. We are experienced in all aspects of floral design including; weddings, funerals, christenings, birthday celebrations, handties and bouquets from the simplest and the most elaborate tokens of love.