Florists in

Looking for a florist in Chopwell? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended florists with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Florists

Carol Gittins Florist 01388 663937
County Durham, Bishop Auckland, DL14 7EL

distance: (15.5 miles)
Welcome to Carol Gittins Florist, an established florist shop nestled in the market town of Bishop Auckland. Our expert florists design beautiful flowers for all occasions, using our creative talent to turn your ideas in to stunning floral creations.
Poplar Tree Florist 07595 282240
County Durham, Durham, DH1 2NG

distance: (16.5 miles)
Poplar Tree Florists Durham offer an enormous range of floral designs to suit your wedding or special event. Whether you require something small for a special occasion or something large for a birthday, a wedding, a fitting tribute for a funeral or just to make someone feel good, our florists can create fabulous shapes and designs.
The Design Studio 0191 388 4671
County Durham, Chester le Street, DH3 3RY

distance: (18 miles)
The Design Studio was established in 2004 and has been built entirely on recommendation throughout the years. We have a vast amount of experience and enjoy an excellent reputation for beautiful flowers and exceptional personal service. We are, and always have been, a true Independent. Following the crowd is not for us, we much prefer to do things our way. This means keeping an eye on current trends but at the same time thinking outside of the box and using creativity and imagination.