Florists in

Looking for a florist in Kirknewton? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended florists with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Florists

Vickys Flowers 01506 881488
West Lothian, Livingston, EH53 0DY

distance: (3.1 miles)
We also provide innovative and beautiful floral designs for parties, functions and corporate events. Vicky will be delighted to talk through your needs to meet with your criteria and add that extra wow to your event of any size.
Becky's Flowers 07803 036288
West Lothian, Bathgate,

distance: (13.4 miles)
Hello! I am an award winning florist with over 25 years experience with flowers. I can create something perfect for you from the smallest buttonhole to the perfect gift to create a final tribute or adding to your special day.
Roseparks 0131 440 2444
Midlothian, Loanhead, EH20 9LZ

distance: (15.8 miles)
Welcome! With so many florists Edinburgh is spoilt for choice so why choose Roseparks? Our floral designs can transform any wedding, function or event on any scale. We specialise in traditional or contemporary, innovative and eye-catching designs that are carefully tailored to our clients requirements.
Bonnyrigg Flowers 0131 654 9268
Midlothian, Bonnyrigg, EH19 3EZ

distance: (19.4 miles)
We at Bonnyrigg Flowers are an Interflora florist in Bonnyrigg delivering throughout Edinburgh, Midlothian & surrounding areas. Come in and meet our friendly staff and see our wide range of fresh flowers and fantastic gifts, or read on to find out a little of what we can offer you....