Florists in

Looking for a florist in Petworth? Here you will find a comprehensive list of recommended florists with detailed business profiles, services, products, customer reviews and ratings. Get multiple free quotes!

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Recommended Florists

The Flower Shop Pulborough 01798 875488
West Sussex, Pulborough, RH20 2BW

distance: (7.5 miles)
We are a friendly village flower shop, with access to the very best flowers and a team of talented florists with a fresh and natural, country style. We are experienced in all aspects of floral design including; weddings, funerals, christenings, birthday celebrations, handties and bouquets from the simplest and the most elaborate tokens of love.
Hot Pink Peony 01903 741358
West Sussex, Billingshurst, RH14 9PQ

distance: (10.3 miles)
Hot Pink Peony, your local designer florist for hand tied bouquets and wedding flowers. Beautiful, individual, innovative, unique and unusual flower designs - specialising in hand tied bouquets, wedding and corporate function flowers.
The Enchanted Florist 07554 421618
West Sussex, Arundel,

distance: (15.2 miles)
The Summer months offer a great variety of flowers, new stock arrives every day. Thursdays are our Specials day! one bunch of £5.95 or £10 for two! Varietyies vary week to week and are collection only/ Pop in or check online to see what we have each week.