Cleaning house after moving

Category: Cleaning

Quote Details

Full quote details are available only for premium businesses.
Published On: 14 Jan, 2020
Published By: C**** C******
Email Address: ***************@*****
Phone Number: **886 ***582
Location: ****tol
Street Address: *6 ******ead *n *S13 *DD ****ing *d


We are moving house and wanted to get a quote for cleaning a 3 bedroom house with one bathroom in south Bristol. The house would be completely empty and we could provide hoover and cleaning supplies. This would include hoovering floors (all floors carpet except kitchen vinyl), cleaning the kitchen sink, cabinets and inside of empty fridge, bathroom shower and then skirting boards and inside windows. This would NOT include cleaning the oven as we have done this already. Please let me know. Cheers

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