Acupuncturists in

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Recommended Acupuncturists

Zoe Acupuncture 07760 452383
Surrey, Esher, KT8 0DE

distance: (16.9 miles)
Surrey Acupuncturist Zoe Mountstephen has over 15 years clinical experience. She graduated from Manchester in 1990 with an honours degree in Psychology. She went on to study Traditional Chinese Acupuncture at the Northern College, York graduating in 1994.
Acupuncture Healthcare 01342 833844
Surrey, Lingfield, RH7 6BW

distance: (18.1 miles)
In 2004 she qualified with a Licentiate in Acupuncture (Lic Ac) from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading. The college teaches an integrated style of acupuncture incorporating both Five Element constitutional acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Western Medical Sciences training is also included to a requisite level.

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